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KEEPING UP: 115 interviews in the archives
Interview: Dominic Taylor (1/2) |
by IBF, October 2000 |
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[Part 1] [Part 2] |
Part 1: Background to BioMedNet
Hi Dom, thanks for talking to us. Tell us how you got involved with the Internet and then BioMedNet in particular.
I joined the Current Science Group in 1994 to market their scientific/medical journals. The chairman, Vitak Tracz, was always interested in new technology and had seen a version of AOL on a trip to the States. The idea of BioMedNet grew from there and I moved to marketing the site full time. It was great being a true 'first mover'.
Does being number one in your sector put any special pressure on you and the BioMedNet team?
Being first and being the most popular site in its field always keeps the pressure on. We feel the need to innovate and add new features all the time. There is no shortage of ideas as we have a very young and dynamic team. The pressure comes in finding the resources to implement them. There are lots of competitors snapping at our heels, but I feel it's best to concentrate on your own strengths rather than looking behind you.
And why do you think BioMedNet has been able to establish itself so strongly in this market?
Being first was essential. Building up a critical mass of users who act as ambassadors for your site helps too. We have always listened to our end-users and adapted/improved the site based on their feedback. We treated them as real people who want serious information but some light-hearted material too. I think this establishes a relationship.
How does the Elsevier Science connection help the site and are there any problems in terms of partnering with or drawing content from other publishers?
In 1997 BioMedNet was acquired by Elsevier and we have benefited from the financial backing, resources and global contacts that come hand-in-hand with a large multinational company. Other publishers took a "wait and see" approach as Elsevier was such a large player in the market, but none pulled out of partnering with BioMedNet immediately. More recently we've moved our business model more to subscription services to our own content and reduced these publisher partnerships ourselves.
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[Part 1] [Part 2] |
About this week's
interviewee: |
Dominic Taylor is the Marketing Manager of BioMedNet - the premier Internet site for biological and medical researchers, with more than 800,000 registered users in over 200 countries, and more than 30,000 new members joining every month. A report in Online Advertising @ Biotech Portals, an independent study carried out by BioInformatics, Inc., listed BioMedNet as the number one most frequently visited life science website, ahead of both Science Online and Nature's website. Dominic talks to us about reaching both niche and specialist audiences.
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