Here you can find the answers to the most common questions we receive from visitors and members. If you cannot find the information you are looking for here, then please contact us.
Q: How do you decide who to interview? A: We are always on the look out for people with a "story to tell". This doesn't mean that we're only focusing on "success" - anyone with an interesting business or Internet background is a potential interview candidate. We try to select interviewees on the basis of whom we think will be able to contribute the most valuable information to our subscribers.
Q: Who are the interviewers? A: The interviews are conducted by Internet Business Forum staff, supervised by Mark Brownlow, VP Research.
Q: Can I recommend someone for interview? A: We're always happy to receive your suggestions for future interviewees. We have set up a special form to simplify the process of suggesting new interview candidates - please supply as much information as you can so that we can make an informed decision.
Q: Can I recommend myself for interview? A: Sure! If you have a story to tell, or information to share, then let us know...
Q: How is an interview carried out? A: The majority of interviews are carried out remotely, by email. We look at an interviewee's background, website(s) and other information that is readily available to us, then we tailor an initial set of questions based on this information. We follow up with more questions and requests to clarify or expand on certain points or explanations. Then we edit the responses we receive and publish the interview on this site, and highlights will appear in the newsletter.
Q: I am signed up for one of your newsletters, but I would like to unsubscribe? How can I? A: You can subscribe and unsubscribe to all Internet Business Forum newsletters very easily from the Newsletter Subscription page on Go to the Newsletter Subscription page, then enter your email address. You will be presented with a list of all the newsletters you currently subscribe to, and you can choose the ones you would like to stop receiving.
Q: I received one of your newsletters but I don't remember signing up. Is it possible that somebody else added me to your mailing list without my consent? A: This is extremely unlikely. We use a special checking procedure, called confirmed opt-in, on all newsletter subscription requests we receive. This works as follows: we receive a subscription request for one or more newsletters, and we immediately send a confirmation email to the address this subscription request originated from. The original sender must explicitly confirm their subscription by following the instructions in this confirmation email. We only add confirmed subscribers to our subscriber database. However, if you would like to unsubscribe, please see the previous question, above.
Q: Where can I find a list of all the newsletters you publish? A: Our Newsletter Subscription page over at always contains the latest list of all the newsletters we publish. You can subscribe to new newsletters there.
Q: Are all ibizInterviews newsletters free? A: Yes, all newsletters published by ibizInterviews are totally free. Internet Business Forum, Inc. (the company behind ibizInterviews) offers a wide variety of other products and services, many of which are also free.
Q: How can your newsletters be free? A: Our newsletters are supported by advertisers and sponsors, enabling us to bring you the best tips every week, free. If you are interested in sponsoring one of our publications, you can find more information here.
Q: Can I reprint your interviews on my website or in my publication? A: All material published by Internet Business Forum, Inc. is copyright and protected by law. We would be glad to hear your proposal for how you plan to use our material, and to work together to come to an equitable arrangement for you to reproduce or syndicate our content. Please contact us with details of how you would like to use the information we publish.
Q: What do you do with the personal information you collect from me when I become a member? A: We have a comprehensive Privacy Policy which explains in detail the steps we take to protect your right to privacy, and we encourage you to read it if you have any concerns.
Remember: if the above FAQ does not include the answer you are looking for, please feel free to contact us. We will do our best to respond to your questions promptly.