Part 2: More on XHTML, web design and the future
Is there a common mistake you see in Web design? In XHTML? If so, please describe.
There are many mistakes made on the Web in terms of visual design. The most common include poor placement of navigation, poor navigation design and information architecture, poor use of visual space, poor use of color and type, and lack of consistency.
The funny thing about XHTML is that you can't make mistakes, because if you do, it isn't XHTML! You have to follow the rules. The most common problems or pitfalls come from old HTML habits dying hard: forgetting trailing slashes in empty elements, letting uppercase elements or attributes slip by, forgetting to properly quote attribute values, using attributes and values that are incorrect for a given XHTML 1.0 (DTD) Document Type Definition.
How do you see XHTML in the big picture of web design? Is it something you favor over the other options?
XHTML 1.0 is perfect for those Web authors looking to create structured, consistent documents and promote support of and for W3C recommendations. XHTML is also a great way to transition skill sets from HTML to more abstract XML concepts with relative ease, because the actual vocabulary used in XHTML is HTML--it's familiar stuff with just a few changes.
However, for the visual designer, XHTML has some problems. These are due mostly to the fact that proprietary attributes that are in use in HTML have been left out--usually in favor of CSS. However, if that particular CSS property doesn't work well in most browsers, designers might be compromised.
A good example of this is the use of margin attributes in the body element. You can't use topmargin="x" because it doesn't exist in XHTML 1.0, and you can't rely on CSS support for margins in most browsers. So essentially, designers lose control of margins, and that's a huge problem in visual design.
Where do you see XHTML going in the next year or so? XML, Java and ASP are fast becoming THE thing to do for web design. Will that affect XHTML?
The thing to remember about XHTML is that it is XML. XML is a meta-language. In other words, it's a markup language that is used to create other applications. XHTML is an application of XML and is therefore XML in essence. Of course, there's a lot more to XML than what appears in XHTML 1.0, so expect to see XHTML to be more influenced by XML's methodologies. Modularization is a big part of XHTML's future.
Java and ASP don't affect markup directly. Java is a programming language used for a wide range of things--many not even related to the Web, and ASP is a server-side application methodology. While these things will be used (and are used) in tandem with client-side markup, they don't directly influence the way that markup evolves.
What advice do you have for the designer who can't decide what type of design or specialization to focus on?
I'm asked this question every day, and I never know how to answer it fairly. I think it boils down to philosophy and not practicality: do what turns you on and the rest will follow.
What is the current status of web design? The flaws? The strengths?
The biggest problem still in web design at present is that designers are rarely thinking about audience, product, and intent. They overlook the preliminary process and jump right in. That causes a lot of problems, and a lot of sites that don't work well for their visitors.
I love beauty. But I love the deep greens, blues, and bright florals of a New Jersey summer as much as I love the stark, naked deserts of southern Nevada. Sometimes a rich design is in order, sometimes plain is best. And the only way to know that is to understand your audience, your product, and the intent of your site.
What are your thoughts on the future of web design and the Internet?
Wireless and mobile are the next big hype, and it's interesting stuff. At the same time, the shift in focus can offer a lot of opportunities for web design and development to stabilize. I hope that's what happens.
Thanks Molly!